Making A FemDom Relationship Work: Part 6 - Laying Out Rules In Our FemDom Relationship

In this part of the blog I would like to talk about the feelings, and the doubts that came out of the visit with Jack in the coffee shop.

By this time the anger over him seeing a dominatrix was gone. There was still a hurt in my heart because of the relationship with another women, but I also knew that with God's help, we would find a way to get over that.

My concern was Jack's need to be dominated. 

Based on what I had learned, it was clear that Jack was a very submissive man. He was one those guys that needed a mistress. In the bottom of my heart, I knew that I needed to be that mistress. The visit with Liz helped me more than anything else. Here was an everyday, ordinary wife who treated her husband like a slave. She snapped her fingers, he dropped to the ground. Although Liz loved her husband very much, she was not opposed to disciplining when necessary.

The part that I liked was that her husband seamed to understand his place in the marriage. His obedience to her was instantaneous, was without question, and they both appeared to be happy with that arrangement. This, I knew, was what I needed to achieve in my marriage.

As we sat in that cafe that Saturday afternoon, Jack was nervous. 

In the months since we had been separated he must have gained ten pounds. He looked tired. He sister told me that he had been eating too much, and it was obvious. His clothes were tight and messy looking. Jack told me that he loved me, that he wanted to come home, and be my husband again. That, however, was before he knew the terms of coming home.

Jack reminded me of a stray dog that had been wondering the streets for days looking for a home and a warm place to sleep. In my opinion Jack was looking for a women to collar him, snap a leash on , and bring him to heel. He reminded me of a couple of the recently separated men that had come to the studio. They wanted so bad to be owned, to be controlled by some female godest. On some level you wanted to take them home, they would probably make good pets or servants, but you knew you couldn't take every stray home.

I had an uncle that raised dogs for duck hunting. He told me that once a dog tasted duck he was no longer of any value for hunting. It seams like once the dog knows the taste, he will eat the duck instead of bringing it back to its master. I had the feeling that submissive men were in many ways the same way. Many submissive men will go their entire lives without acting on their need for submitting, but once they have the taste of female domination, they will always return for more. This was my husband. He had tasted female domination, and it was obvious that he couldn't live without it. I didn't want him sneaking off to visit a dominatrix. I didn't want him reading the dirty magazines, like the ones I found hidden in our garage. From the day I called Jack, I knew the only way we could live together as husband and wife was that if we were also mistress and slave. I knew it would be difficult. My new friend Liz was doing it. I could do it too.

Driving home from the cafe I wondered how it wold feel to live with a slave husband. 

Would he continue to call me Caroline, or would he call be ma'am or mistress. Would I punish him the same way I did with the men in the studio. Could I effectively punish him without the use of a whip. Liz used the whip on her guy, and he had the marks to prove it. Could Jack really be happy living as a slave husband, or was this just a fantasy to be explored with a dominatrix. Finally, would he respect me as a mistress, and still love me like a husband. Could we still laugh together, and do the normal things that husband and wife do as mistress and slave. There would be obvious changes in our relationship. I knew that I would not, could not live as his twenty four hour a day dominatrix, but I also knew that I expected Jack to obey me twenty four hours a day. I knew that on some level he had to have fear of me that was real.

In my mind I knew that our relationship could not be treated as a game. 

It was not going to be something that we played, that we turned on and off depending if he was in a submissive mood or not. If we went forward with this new relationship, Jack was going to my submissive slave for real. Like most men Jack has a 'male ego' that pops up from time to time. This was going to be a problem.

I also knew that our relationship needed to be kept private. There was no way I wanted people laughing and joking about us behind our backs. It also occurred to me that Jack would not want other people to know about our special relationship. Then, it occurred to me that his desire to keep our relationship a secret would give me enormous power over him. If he ever disobeyed me, I could threaten to tell his sister. Tara had given me pictures of him naked in the kennel. In those pictures he actually wore a locked dog collar with a leash attached to the cage. They were the most humiliating pictures I had ever seen. He was actually posing for the mistress in the studio.

Tara gave me the pictures not to hurt me, but to demonstrate how submissive Jack actually was. The thought that my husband liked to be collared and leashed was not a pleasant thought. On some level it made him seam like less then a man. Could I ever respect him as a husband and man again?

As FemDom mistress, I have received countless emails of people asking me how to begin a successful and long-lasting FemDom relationship. This blog here is an attempt to recount some old stories, but if you want to take your FemDom relationship seriously I recommend that you check out my book, The FemDom Relationship Guide: How Submissive Men and Strong Women Can Have Successful Long-Term Relationships. You can check it out on Amazon or read the post introducing my book, where I describe how I started my FemDom relationship and how it developed.

This book contains all my wisdom  and experiences of > 10 years in a FemDom relationship combined.  I wish I would have had it when my husband suggest we begin FemDom...


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