Making A FemDom Relationship Work: Part 5 - The First Time As A Mistress

As I walked up to the cafe door where Jack was standing, I noticed his eyes glancing down to my legs. It had been years since I wore a skirt as short as this. It was not what you would call a 'whore' skirt, but it was short. Complimented with the boots, the outfit did get Jack's attention.
That is exactly what I wanted it to do.

It had dawned on me over the last few years I had been dressing like a soccer mom. 

It was true that I wasn't twenty years old, but I still had a nice figure. Walking around the quarter , I became more conscious of how I dressed. It pleased me that men would still turn their heads in my direction. Well, at least they did sometimes.

Entering the door Jack was holding, I gave him a little 'finger' sign to follow me into the cafe. It was one of those places where you normally order at the counter, they call your number, and you pick up your order. Instead, I walked directly to a table, sat down, and told Jack to get me cup of coffee, and that if he wanted, he could also have a cup. I thought to my self was I really talking to him that way! How would he respond? Then I heard, 'yes ma'am', and I knew that I was talking to him like a mistress, and that he was responding like a submissive.

There were a few people at counter. When he brought the coffee, he asked if I would like anything else. I told him 'no', sit down, it is time for us to talk. He was nervous. He really thought I was going to ask for a divorce.

I looked Jack directly in the eye. 

I told him that in some ways I understood that he was submissive, and there was nothing he could do about that. It was just the way he was born. In some ways I understood that he needed the feeling of submitting to a women, but there was no way I would ever really forgive him for seeing a dominatrix, or having a relationship with another women. He put his head down. He was embarrassed that I knew all about Kimberly. It was one thing that I knew he had visited a dominatrix. It was another thing that I knew all about the humiliating things that he did in those visits.

When he started to talk, I told him to be quite. Then, I told Jack that I still loved him, and wanted him to be my husband. It was a difficult conversation. I went on to say that if he wanted to come home there would need to be changes in our relationship. From working at the studio, I understood a great deal more about what he needed to be happy. Also, I came out and said that although I still loved him, I no longer trusted him. By this time I understood the power a dominant women has over a submissive man. What I told Jack was that the last thing I wanted for him was to ever visit another dominatrix, or continue to read the dirty magazines. He was a little surprised that I had found his stash of dominatrix trash in the house. If that is what he wanted in life, we would go our separate ways.

As FemDom mistress, I have received countless emails of people asking me how to begin a successful and long-lasting FemDom relationship. This blog here is an attempt to recount some old stories, but if you want to take your FemDom relationship seriously I recommend that you check out my book, The FemDom Relationship Guide: How Submissive Men and Strong Women Can Have Successful Long-Term Relationships. You can check it out on Amazon or read the post introducing my book, where I describe how I started my FemDom relationship and how it developed.

This book contains all my wisdom  and experiences of > 10 years in a FemDom relationship combined.  I wish I would have had it when my husband suggest we begin FemDom...


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