A Quick Punishment For Your Sub Male

The things that work for my guy may not work for every man. It is true that I do not use a whip on Jack. I know women that do. I have corresponded with a women who uses a wire hanger of soughs on her guy. From what I can gather she will use it once or twice and throw it away. The advantage over a whip is that if someone happens to see the wire, they think nothing of it.

They have other family members in the house, and she doesn't want them to know how their father is punished. I think, however, that this man has a craving for the whip. From what I understand he is a sweet submissive, but on occasion needs to be firmly reminded of his place.

My primary problem with the whip is that it can lead to abuse. 

It is one thing to punish a man for something he did wrong, or didn't do. It is another thing to punish a man for something that went wrong in your day. With a whip it is too easy to punish a man simply because you had a bad day at work and you need to take it out on someone. Also, and most important is the relationship between Jack and myself. While in many ways he is my slave, he is the man that I love. He is also the man that I want to love me. In many ways I believe the whip would effect the way we interact in a negative manner. As a submissive husband I want Jack to have some fear of me, but I don't want him to be terrified of me. I have heard of men that have been so punished by their wives that they are afraid just to be near them. What started off as a loving relationship has turned abusive.

As a general rule the punishment for Jack depends on what he had done wrong. 

If he had not done a good job with his house cleaning, I give him extra cleaning to do. For example, I like to have a freshly made bed, with sheets pulled tight and crisp. Jack hates changing the sheets and making the bed. If it is not done the way I want, I will have him do it again and again. Then, I will have him change the sheets on the other beds in the house just to give him practice.

Like a lot of men Jack likes to watch sports on television.  He likes football the most, but he does enjoy other sports as well. There have been many times where he didn't get to watch the Superbowl or the game of the week. Instead, he had to do an extra project, or just spend the time on his knees in the corner.

It is a very simple punishment, but I am a big believer in corner time for a man. 

It punishes a man on several levels. First, there is the humiliation of being made to kneel against the wall like a small child. It gives him time to think about what he did wrong. It also hurts his knees and back. Jack is an older boy in his fifties. It doesn't take long in the corner before it starts to hurt. Just a few minutes. As a general rule I put a coin between his nose and the wall. If he lets the coin drop, more time is added to his sentence. To add to the feeling of frustration, Jack doesn't know how long he will need to maintain that position for. I use a timer and put in on a table just behind him. He can hear it click, but he doesn't know how long it is set for. When the bell rings he is allowed to get up.

The million dollar question I have been asked from time to time is why would Jack or any man want to live as a slave to a women. The only answer I can give is I don't know or truly understand the need for male submission. I know that as a women I enjoy freedom, the ability to come and go as I want, and do as I wish without asking for permission. It is hard to believe, but until about twenty years ago our state had something called the head and master law. It allowed a married man to pledge community property without the consent of the wife. On the other hand it legally restricted a women's right to enter into bonding contracts.

As FemDom mistress, I have received countless emails of people asking me how to begin a successful and long-lasting FemDom relationship. This blog here is an attempt to recount some old stories, but if you want to take your FemDom relationship seriously I recommend that you check out my book, The FemDom Relationship Guide: How Submissive Men and Strong Women Can Have Successful Long-Term Relationships. You can check it out on Amazon or read the post introducing my book, where I describe how I started my FemDom relationship and how it developed.

This book contains all my wisdom  and experiences of > 10 years in a FemDom relationship combined.  I wish I would have had it when my husband suggest we begin FemDom...


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