How I Told My Slave That I Was Going To Own Him

When I told Jack that I wanted to meet him, it was when he had the surprise of his life. You can read this post here.

If he wanted to come back home, I was going to be his mistress.

I would expect him to obey me just as he did the women in Kimberly's studio. He would give me financial control over our assets, and he would live as my slave husband. I was careful to use the term slave husband, and not submissive. Jack was shocked. He was humiliated to hear those words coming from me. In many ways they were very tough words for me to say, but I knew that he could never be really happy in a conventional relationship. I went on to say that I would have the rite, no, the duty to punish him when it was necessary.

Jack had enough experience in the world of dominance and submission to know what I meant by the term slave husband. As one of Kimberly's special boys, he had done duties of different types with her slave husband. He was aware how that man lived. The lack of any kind of personal freedom. No control over money, and very little spare time. It was one thing to kneel in front of a strange women in a studio, it was quite another to kneel in front of your wife.

As I looked at Jack I could sense the nervousness in his face. 

He wanted to come home, and be my husband again. I could tell that he had doubts about living the life of obedience to his wife.

He was very concerned that other people would learn of our relationship. I told him that as long as he did what he was supposed to do, it would just be between us. However, I would be the one making the decisions as to who knew about our relationship, and who did not. There would not be any guarantees. I also clarified that he would have very little, if any personal freedom in our relationship. He would be expected to come home directly from work. He would not be allowed out of the house, after dark, unless we were together. This is because I no longer considered him to be trustworthy.

As this is written five years later this narrative does not capture the emotion of that meeting. My voice was on edge. Jack was nervous. I told Jack that I wanted him to think about what I had said. I told him that we would meet at the same time the following week, and he could give me his answer at that time.

As FemDom mistress, I have received countless emails of people asking me how to begin a successful and long-lasting FemDom relationship. This blog here is an attempt to recount some old stories, but if you want to take your FemDom relationship seriously I recommend that you check out my book, The FemDom Relationship Guide: How Submissive Men and Strong Women Can Have Successful Long-Term Relationships. You can check it out on Amazon or read the post introducing my book, where I describe how I started my FemDom relationship and how it developed.

This book contains all my wisdom  and experiences of > 10 years in a FemDom relationship combined.  I wish I would have had it when my husband suggest we begin FemDom...


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