How Is Everyday Live With A Male Sub?

Most of you will find this treatment of Jack's day to be very boring. On work days he comes home directly from his job. He usually has a little job, duty, to do around the house. I cook dinner. He cleans up.

In the evening Jack may do a load or two of laundry, and the folding that goes with it. Sometimes I will have an after diner job for him, like putting gas in my car, but not always. Contrary to public opinion Jack is not forced to work for me twenty four hours a day.

After dinner, we will often watch television for an hour of so. I have a chair. Jack sits on a comfortable pillow at my feet. It may seam strange to some people, but I do believe the natural place for a married man is at the feet of his wife. The world would be a better place is more married men were expected to sit at the feet of their women. From that prospective, a man's view of the world is a little different, more service orientated.

Saturday is Jack's primary house cleaning day. 

This is the day he cleans house, top to bottom, changes the sheets on our bed, run errands, and washes my car. This use to be his golfing day, or the day he pretended to play golf, while he was really visiting his dominatrix.

In the first years of our new relationship I made him work particularly hard on Saturday. In a way it was punishing him for deceiving me. In the last couple of years I have slowly allowed him more free time on weekends, even allowing him to occasional play golf again. Jack is a good man.
I also know that he needs a little freedom form time to time.

To this day Jack has very little control over money, and that will not change. 

He has a credit card. He is allowed to use it for gas and groceries. Any thing else requires approval. The account is on line, and he knows that I monitor its use. Aside from that he receives an allowance of $25.00 per week for lunch and misc. personal items. He generally brings a brown bag lunch to work, and eats in the office kitchen with the women. The men generally go out to lunch. He takes a little teasing over this.

When he needs new clothes, we go together. I generally pick out what I want him to wear.

We will go out to dinner once or twice a week. Yes, I pay the bill. If he wants to make a purchase, he must ask permission. The truth is that as a slave husband Jack lives in a world of permission.
If he needs to use the restroom while we are at the table, home or restaurant, he must ask to be excused. Jack is not allowed to start eating until mistress takes the first bite. This is good etiquette for any man to learn.

Like any other couple we sometimes go to the mall together, or walk in the quarter. Jack knows to open doors. He knows to walk on my left side, a small half step behind me. Sometimes, as a little display of authority I will have him carry my purse. This generally embarrasses him, especially when we run into friends and family members. It was just before Christmas when we ran into his sister at the mall. She didn't say anything about him holding my purse, and this tended to make it all the more embarrassing for him. She, of course, knows much about our relationship and some of what happened five years ago.

He does wear panties in the house when we are along. 

What I have found is that keeping a man in panties makes it easier for him to be submissive. Men get into submissive moods. The problem is that is a wife controlled relationship, he must obey weather he is in one of those submissive moods or not. This takes a certain amount of discipline. One of my girl friends is adamant that the best way to have your man obey you are a regular basis is the whip. She may be correct, but I don't want Jack to have the same fear of me that her husband has of her.
It is not that she is wrong or I am correct, it is a matter of preference.

Shopping for such things as panties can either be a reward or a punishment depending on his mood. Telling a cute twenty year old sales clerk that the panties are for him will sometimes give Jack a submissive rush. At another time it is just cause for embarrassment. I don't understand men. Sometimes humiliation is a reward, sometimes it is a punishment!! It is hard for me to tell which way it will go.

As a servant Jack is expected to 'wait on' and 'wait for' me. 

He would rather 'wait on' than 'wait for'. Every so often I have a 'drinking' lunch with some of my college friends. These are not the 'dom' type friends. They know nothing of our relationship. Sometimes lunch is followed by shopping or a movie. As my little driver Jack is expected to wait for me outside of the restaurant or movie theater. He hates this!

On once occasion I kept him waiting as long as five hours. He is generally not allowed to walk around, sit at a cafe, or read a book. While I am in the movie I want to know exactly where he is standing. I know it is very boring and tedious for him. I never give him an explanation as to why he cant go into a coffee shop or someplace to make the time go by faster. I just tell him this is the way I want it. He is a slave and it is up to him to obey mistress. He doesn't need an explanation.

On one occasion he was brave enough to complain about waiting so long for me. 

I simply replied that is the life of a slave, and if he didn't like it, too bad. When we got home I had him spend thirty minutes on his knees, in the corner, as punishment for complaining. He never again complained about waiting for me. Sometimes it is good to have a man do certain things without any obvious purpose, such as waiting an hour or two for mistress to finish a casual lunch. What Jack doesn't understand is that this is part of is training. He is being taught the art of obedience. It is not up to him to understand the 'why' of an order, he only needs to understand that this is what mistress desires and wants to be done.

We sometimes go out to dinner with Sarah and her husband. In our little group men are not allowed to talk directly to another man when a women is present. We do, however, make an effort to include the guys in our conversation. After the main course, we usually excuse the guys from the table while we have coffee. They wait in the lobby of the restaurant while we finish talking.

This is a little thing, but it does help a man understand his place in a relationship. Jack is not allowed out of the house in the evening unless we are together. This is the time of day when men tend to get into trouble. Jack does have a collar. When we are away from home and family I do have him wear it. It is visible. From what I can see he is generally proud to wear it. He doesn't mind having it shown off to women. He is somewhat sensitive about other men seeing him wear a collar. Overall, I do think it is good for a man to wear a locked collar. It is a good reminder, and personal statement about who he is.

In a perfect world a submissive man should be proud to be a women's pet or slave.

As FemDom mistress, I have received countless emails of people asking me how to begin a successful and long-lasting FemDom relationship. This blog here is an attempt to recount some old stories, but if you want to take your FemDom relationship seriously I recommend that you check out my book, The FemDom Relationship Guide: How Submissive Men and Strong Women Can Have Successful Long-Term Relationships. You can check it out on Amazon or read the post introducing my book, where I describe how I started my FemDom relationship and how it developed.

This book contains all my wisdom  and experiences of > 10 years in a FemDom relationship combined.  I wish I would have had it when my husband suggest we begin FemDom...


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