How Can a Woman Respect A Submissive Man?

When I started to write I was thinking about the importance of friendships to the dominant wife. It is very hard to make the transition from wife to mistress on your own. Kimberly introduced me to a lady that she had worked with the previous year. This lady and her husband had going to see Kimberly as a couple. In tern this lady introduced me to a small group of women who dominated their husbands to a greater or lessor degree.

A few of these women are now among my best friends. We usually have a lunch or dinner together once a month. Each of our little 'hen' parties starts with the stupid husband story of the month. It is meant to be more funny than mean. Some of the things our husbands do are simply hilarious.

How can a women respect a submissive man? 

Can she love a man she doesn't respect. I wanted to share some of feeling about this issue on the blog. If you read the blog, the simple answer is that I do respect Jack for the courage he has shown. I do respect him for being the wonderful submissive man he has become, and for the things he does for us. For his part Jack is uniquely proud of the fact that he is my slave. However, as proud as he is, there is still an issue with family knowing about it. Go figure.

I don't use the whip. At least two of my friends do use the whip on their guys. One of these women is very severe with her husband. I want Jack to respect the authority I ever over him, and yes have a certain degree of fear. However, I don't want him to live in constant fear of me. I have seen the marks on these men. The whip hurts.
I don't think it has a place in a loving fem/dom marriage.

So many of the professional web sites seam to imply the first step to becoming a mistress is to know out to handle a whip. Those just make be laugh because it is not real. The first step to becoming a mistress is to be open minded about having a new style of life, not learning how to use a whip.

As FemDom mistress, I have received countless emails of people asking me how to begin a successful and long-lasting FemDom relationship. This blog here is an attempt to recount some old stories, but if you want to take your FemDom relationship seriously I recommend that you check out my book, The FemDom Relationship Guide: How Submissive Men and Strong Women Can Have Successful Long-Term Relationships. You can check it out on Amazon or read the post introducing my book, where I describe how I started my FemDom relationship and how it developed.

This book contains all my wisdom  and experiences of > 10 years in a FemDom relationship combined.  I wish I would have had it when my husband suggest we begin FemDom...


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