What Kind Of Female Led Relationships Are Possible?

Most marriages are female led. The difference in a marriage, or a true WLM, is that the guy has acknowledged the wife's authority, and she has formally accepted her role as head of the house.

There are two types of WLMs. First, there is the traditional kind, where the couple has developed a tradition of the wife being in charge, but no one ever talks about her authority. I call this a 'yes dear' marriage. This is the type of marriage my parents had, and it worked very well for them.

The relationship Jack and I have is more of a 'yes mistress' type marriage. Jack has offered himself to me as a slave husband, and I have agreed to take charge of him. He wears my collar as well as the ring I gave him.

Some people may consider the relationship Jack and I have as being on the 'kinky' side. However, in my opinion our 'yes mistress' relationship is just one step further along than a 'yes dear' type marriage.

In my opinion it is both normal and healthy for a man to pledge obedience to the women he loves. To me, a man is never so sweet and loving as when he is on his knees.

As FemDom mistress, I have received countless emails of people asking me how to begin a successful and long-lasting FemDom relationship. This blog here is an attempt to recount some old stories, but if you want to take your FemDom relationship seriously I recommend that you check out my book, The FemDom Relationship Guide: How Submissive Men and Strong Women Can Have Successful Long-Term Relationships. You can check it out on Amazon or read the post introducing my book, where I describe how I started my FemDom relationship and how it developed.

This book contains all my wisdom  and experiences of > 10 years in a FemDom relationship combined.  I wish I would have had it when my husband suggest we begin FemDom...


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