Making A FemDom Relationship Work: Part 3 - How I Slowly Became His Mistress

Although I kept Jack out of the house for several weeks, we talked on the phone every couple of days. Jack would call to say hello, to see how things were going, and to see if I needed anything. I told him that I had spent time with Kimberly. He was obviously nervous with the thought of me visiting his former dominatrix. He also understood that if he ever wanted to return home, it was best that he never talk to this women again.

After a couple of weeks Jack asked if there was anyway he could come back home. 

I told him, no, not now; but in a way that kept the door open for later. It was summer time, the grass must have been ten inches long. I told Jack if he liked, he could come over to cut the grass, but he was not yet welcome inside the house. One of the things I learned from Kimberly was that men can make excellent servants. Throughout the summer weeks Jack continued to come over every few days to do the lawn. It was funny because I used to have to 'nag' him to cut the grass. Now, he was doing it every chance he could. Our lawn never looked so good. He went out of his way to do a good job. I thought maybe Kimberly has a valid point, man do make good servants. They just need to be properly motivated and disciplined. When it came to doing the grass that summer, Jack was very motivated.

It was on a Saturday morning, while Jack was cutting the grass that a thought occurred to me. 

Quite a few years before, a young cousin announced to the family that he was homosexual. Every one in the family was shocked, and wanted to reject him. It was 'me', the liberal young college student that stood up for him. It was Christmas day when I got up on a soap box to defend him. The argument went something like 'that it' the way God made him . It was not up to us to judge as long as his behavior didn't harm anyone else. Then, I thought, why was I being so accepting of my cousin and so judgemental of my husband. After all, wasn't it God who made Jack submissive? Well, cousins are one thing, husbands are another thing! Still, the thought gave me something to mull over.

It was over that summer and early fall that I spent time with Kimberly and her submissive guys. 

In a way it felt that I was beginning to understand Jack. Actually, I felt like this was the first time in our married life that I had an idea of who my husband really was. His submissive behavior may have been deviant, but it was not bad, it was not harmful to anyone else. For the most part the guys I worked with at the studio were all sweet men, that were probably good husbands and fathers. These guys just had this little 'kink' that they could not talk about with any one except a stranger. Not even their wives, not even the best man at their wedding. In almost every case, I could sense the fear of rejection. It was not something they could not talk about with their guy friends. A man might talk about cheating on his wife with another guy, but it is very seldom he will talk about his desire to be dominated by a women. This is a secret most man carry deep inside their heart.

As FemDom mistress, I have received countless emails of people asking me how to begin a successful and long-lasting FemDom relationship. This blog here is an attempt to recount some old stories, but if you want to take your FemDom relationship seriously I recommend that you check out my book, The FemDom Relationship Guide: How Submissive Men and Strong Women Can Have Successful Long-Term Relationships. You can check it out on Amazon or read the post introducing my book, where I describe how I started my FemDom relationship and how it developed.

This book contains all my wisdom  and experiences of > 10 years in a FemDom relationship combined.  I wish I would have had it when my husband suggest we begin FemDom...


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