FemDom Is Love

For a 'fem/dom' relationship to work there needs to be a very serious commitment between the husband and the wife. Without this type of commitment the relationship turns into a game or simple role playing. For many couples there is nothing wrong with this. However, for those couples that truly desire to live the 'fem/dom' lifestyle, a sense commitment is extremely important.

On our wedding day Jack and I exchanged rings and we made vows to each other in church. On the day Jack came home he knelt at my feet, and made a vow to become my slave husband. He gave himself to me in an act of love. On that day I accepted his most precious gift and vowed to be his owner and mistress. As a symbol of those vows I placed a collar around his neck and secured it with a small lock.

For several years I wore the key on a chain around my neck. 

It served as a constant reminder of what Jack had given up so that he could live the life he wanted. It was also a reminder for me to be the best possible mistress for him. This was a part of my commitment as a mistress wife. As I understood it, being a good mistress to Jack was part of my duty to him. This meant we were really going to live as mistress/slave, and not just play at it. In my heart I knew it was what he needed, and I was prepared to make the commitment.

It many ways the little key around my neck was also a reminder of Jack's courage. 

Yes, it did take courage to kneel at my feet, and say those words to me. What made me feel good was that I knew Jack meant every word of what he said. He was willing to make the commitments that I required. He was willing to take his name off the bank accounts, off the stock accounts, and live according to my rules. In no uncertain terms Jack was going to be the closest thing allowed by law to being a real slave. At one point I even thought about branding him, but than decided against it. In a past posting I talked a little about Kimberly husband. He was branded, and it made a strong impression on me.

It may seam a little strange to those reading the blog, but the exchange of vows in our living room was a very romantic moment.

Here was a man making a gift off himself. By this gift he was willing to become my servant, my slave, or whatever I wanted him to be. Here was a man giving up his freedom, his right to own property, his right to come and go as he pleased. This took a lot of trust. It was a huge commitment. Jack said 'please take me as your property, and do with me as you will'. He than promised to serve me, and to love me for the rest of his life. How many women have experienced such a loving, romantic moment as this.

From what I have observed submissive men like women who are confident about them selves. 

They like to be around women who know how to handle ever situation, and are at ease with giving orders. There may be women that are born with this natural gift of confidence , but I am not one of them. There may be women who are born with the natural ability to dominate men.
Again, I am not one of them. Becoming a mistress to my husband was a learned experience.

While working in the studio I learned about the kennel and various commands that Kimberly used. I became comfortable with the idea of putting a leash on a man, and taking him for a walk.
I learned to feel normal giving men orders, and expecting they would do as told. Yes, I learned to enjoy the feeling of respect from men as they humbled them selves at my feet. Yes, I became hooked on the idea off bossing men around, and making them obey me. However, it was never part of my basic personality. It was never something that I needed in order to be happy.

As FemDom mistress, I have received countless emails of people asking me how to begin a successful and long-lasting FemDom relationship. This blog here is an attempt to recount some old stories, but if you want to take your FemDom relationship seriously I recommend that you check out my book, The FemDom Relationship Guide: How Submissive Men and Strong Women Can Have Successful Long-Term Relationships. You can check it out on Amazon or read the post introducing my book, where I describe how I started my FemDom relationship and how it developed.

This book contains all my wisdom  and experiences of > 10 years in a FemDom relationship combined.  I wish I would have had it when my husband suggest we begin FemDom...


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